Monday, August 20, 2012

Featured Guest CT Denise Smythe

Can you tell a bit about yourself?
My name is Denny and I am mum to 4 kids, Nana to 2 gorgeous little girls and partner to Mark. I live in Victoria, Australia and as much as I would love to visit so many places, I can't see me living anywhere else.

How many years have you been in the tagging world?
I have been tagging now for approx 11/12 years - and love it. Cannot imagine ever giving it up.

When and how did you discover my work?
I discovered your wonderful art one day when one of my friends posted a tag using your art back in the MSN Group days. I asked them about it - and wham, that was it - I was totally hooked.

Which of my drawings do you like working with the most?
I love all of your drawings, and really don't have a preference. I do have a bit of all your work ... and choose depending on my mood.

Do you have a favourite drawing of mine?
I have a few actually - I love Frozen Hearts, You Broke It and The Lonely Doll. But I really could keep adding to the list

What is your favourite tag you have ever created?

Does seasons inspire you when creating tags?
They truly do - it's uncanny how the seasons can have that effect. During the winter I do tend to use and make more dark/goth/sad tags.

What are your other interests besides tagging?
I am a Movie and Music nut - mad Bon Jovi fan. I love watching Movies of every type - best way to spend a cold Sunday afternoon. Love spending time with my kids and grandkids - and discovering something new - doesn't matter what it is ... lol


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